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Meenachil Taluk Co-Operative Employees

1. Group deposit & Credit Scheme

This Scheme is almost equal to Chits of Rs.5,00,000, 2,50,000,1,00,000, and 50,000 for a period of 25, 50 or 100 months. In this Scheme only 3% is only taken as headperson Commission and those who do not receive the money through either lots or auction can avail 80% of the amount remitted as advance. Members belong to A,B,C class can join in this Scheme. The  amount can be availed by keeping the security of  the salary certificate, Gold ornaments, F.D Receipts from  Bank/Post Office/Service Societies, LIC Policy Certificates, land without liability etc.

2. Cheque Discounting

The  Cheques, and drafts from governmental, semi-governmental, Government approved Corporations,  Boards, Insurance Companies etc. can be discounted with nominal rates and money will be given uprightly.

3. Computer Stationary Sales

Sale of quality computer stationary products at our store with minimum prices.

4.  Safe Deposit Locker

Safe Locker Facility is available at the Main Branch and at the Branch at Erattupetta Rs.300 as annual rent.

5. Photostat And Fax

 Photostat and Fax facilities in low rate.